Breeder: Wyeast Seeds

Lineage: Headbanger x The Menthol

Category: Hybrid

Nose: Chamomile tea, dried lemon wheels, cloves, hops, thyme

Flavor: Menthol, juniper, rosemary, brown butter squash pasta

Dominant Terpenes: Limonene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Alpha-Bisabolol, Cis-Nerolidol

What’s awesome about this strain?

In addition to being absolutely beautiful, Corpse Paint is a versatile and smile-inducing smoke. We label her as a hybrid because she’s relaxing without being sedating, and does a great job of getting you into a happy, positive headspace. The flavor is earthy, savory and smooth. If you like beautiful buds that make you feel great any time of day, CP is for you!


MCC Terps_ CP.png